
RE @ Pune

Continuing the trend of performing in various places, we performed in Pune on the 30th of September to a full house auditorium. It was a first of its kind experience for all of us. We would like to thank the faculty of TMI Pune who accommodated us and the members of the Sathya Sai Organisation Pune for the opportunity to perform in such a gran manner. We look forward to coming to performing here again as Pune is commonly known as the Cultural Capital of Maharashtra.

RE @ SSVV, Hyderabad
After performing in places like Bangalore and Chennai, it was Hyderabad's turn. One of the most fulfilling programs in the recent times, Rhythmic Energy spread joy and happiness to special children from across 5 orphanages in Hyderabad. The kids too participated in the fun and music make it a day to cherish for the rest of our lives. 
Special mention must go to the volunteers and administration of Shivam and Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar who took care of our every need at Hyderabad. We look forward to performing more in the historical city.

RE @ Samarthanam Trust

On 25th March 2012, Rhythmic energy got yet another opportunity to perform at a home for the underprivileged. This time the venue was Samarthanam Trust for the disabled.

The music though was of a difference this time. Most of the music that we played for the pogram was relatively new and required close to 5 weeks of planning and practice. Elements of fusion combined with the power of the brass instruments, our song repertoire was of a unique nature. But the experience was a total surprise. As much as we had to give them, we got double. Their courage to face all adversities with a smile, their independence in what ever they do. It was indeed an eye opener. A special moment was when they came up and sang “Hum Hoge Kamiyaab” holding hands and waving throughout. It brought tears to all our eyes. And our joy knew no bounds when we watched a video with all of them and had lunch among them. Not only did we perform for them, but we interacted with most of the kids around, danced and sang with them.

While we brought a smile on a hundred faces with our music that day, the children brought tears to our eyes with their love and warmth

Break Free

While Rhytmic Energy performed at various places, be it at homes for the disabled, chidrens and oldage homes in and around Bangalore and Chennai, we needed to make sure that our music is upto the mark and as musicians we had a point to prove, more to ourselves than others.

They say that you just need to wish, and the world will conspire to make it come true. The battle of the Bands in Bangalore had been arranged by The Forum and 94.3 Radio One and was aptly named Break Free. Seizing the opportunity, we immediately confirmed our participation in the Fusion Category. A different kind of an audience cheering and shouting as we performed some famous numbers like Azeemo Shaan Shehenshah, theme from Lagaan and Star Wars, we went on to qualify for the final and win the title of The Ultimate Fusion Band 2011. We were on top of the world, for that day we performed for a different cause and that was to enjoy our music as we play and to lift our standards as performers with a mission.

We being adjudged the winners of the Break Free Fest, were invited to a Radio Session where we got an opportunity to share our goals and views as musicians to the entire Bangalore

SOS Childrens Villages

One of the very recent performances of Rhythmic energy was at the SOS Childrens Village in Bangalore. This was a home for destitute children aged 6-14 years who lived along with volunteers, acting as their mothers. This program unleashed the kids in each of us

With the theme of the program aptly being ‘Celebration of Life’, the whole place was reverberating with joy and happiness. We could see the kids shout, dance and sing along as we played a few peppy and popular tunes. Their excitement knew no bounds as they joined us on stage to sing a few of their songs and feel one among us. We could see their joyous faces reflected in our golden instruments as we performed some of the latest melodious and peppy numbers. After the program the children ensured that we visited every home and spent some time looking through their rooms and their exhibits. All the while we could see them bounce along and sing the tunes that we had just played for them giving us immense satisfaction about the performance. They would come running towards us yelling and waiting to be hugged and carried around. The mothers too narrated to us their experience with the children and we were all humbled by their dedication. The children and the volunteers touched our hearts with their love

We took a lot from the children - the joy, the laughter, the celebration and Rhythmic Energy did give them one thing that they most needed- ‘Hope’- for a brighter tomorrow